It’s an incredibly unique thing, our current obsession with food intolerance. The world has experienced vast swathes of intolerances in history, normally towards large groups of other people. Today, there’s a swelling mass of people claiming that certain foods don’t make them feel very good. Often backed up with little or no scientific data, these people are changing the course of food in our country and reshaping the profile of products on the shelves in …
Recipe Modification, Diversification and Bastardisation
Respect the Recipe. There have been many occasions, both on this blog and in my real, physical existence, where I’ve managed to work myself into a contorted fit of rage over inappropriate recipe modification of certain traditional dishes. I have enormous respect for time honoured, traditional recipes, the amazing dishes and techniques which have been handed down through time for each generation to enjoy. Often based in simplicity, or invoking a fundamental technique of a …
Hot melt sun-dried tomato and mozzarella muffins
I’ve got a muffin hangover today. In fact, that’s a lie, I deserve to have a muffin hangover today, because I ate… errr, six muffins last night, instead of my dinner. If that had been six of the supermarket’s in-store bakery, not-quite the finest double chocolate efforts I might not be so chipper about it, but the muffins I ate were actually really wholesome, soft, crumbly little cakes with very little sugar or unhealthy bits, …
Pistachio-topped labneh cheesecake with lime & coriander – no added sugar
For once, I’m going to start talking about the food first, rather than sharing obscure excerpts from my prandial past with you. Previously on le petit oeuf, I’ve professed my love for yoghurt and featured it in a few recipes. This has developed recently into a lean towards the delights of labneh, and anyone who is following my Twitter feed (and if not, why not?) will have seen a few more labneh based adventures, such …
Hearty roasted garlic and squash soup with kale
Winter = Soup. Summer = Salad. If there were ever two dishes that were clearly defined by the seasons, then these must be the top contenders. And in case anyone starts shouting “what about winter salads and ‘slaws”, I’m a fan of winter salads (Check out my roasted kale and goat’s cheese salad if you’ve not seen it already!), BUT, nothing beats super fresh, flavoursome summer salads that have gone from plant to plate in …