Labneh cheesecake with lime and coriander

Pistachio-topped labneh cheesecake with lime & coriander – no added sugar

Gavin Wren Baking, Desserts, No Added Sugar, Recipes

For once, I’m going to start talking about the food first, rather than sharing obscure excerpts from my prandial past with you. Previously on le petit oeuf, I’ve professed my love for yoghurt and featured it in a few recipes. This has developed recently into a lean towards the delights of labneh, and anyone who is following my Twitter feed (and if not, why not?) will have seen a few more labneh based adventures, such …

Home made granola no added sugar

The ultimate, no added sugar granola guide

Gavin Wren Baking, Breakfast, Dairy free baking, No Added Sugar, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian

What is Granola? Now, this might sound like a stupid question, but do you know what granola is? Google says ‘denoting people with liberal or Green political views, typified as eating health foods.’, so who knew? I’m part-granola! But keeping this on topic, it also said ‘n. a kind of breakfast cereal resembling muesli.’ Which is more like the granola I’m thinking of. But I have a problem with that definition. It’s not particularly accurate …