Welcome back for Part 2 of my super special two year anniversary post! Today is about growing a blog and growing the inner me. If you haven’t read Part 1 you can catch up with it here. Psssst, Wanna Hear a Secret? I’m going to talk about growing a blog and how I found my style, but first, can you keep a secret? Do you want to see my traffic for this blog over the …
Monetise – Two Years & A Career in Blogging I
I’m incredibly proud to announce that it’s my blog’s second anniverasry! Woo-hoo! How exciting! Where’s the confetti cannon emoji when you need it! Today I’m going to talk about how to monetise a blog. Or how not to. It’s My Party… To celebrate this truly momentous occasion, I’ve poured my heart into the internet and written a very special, personal, self-indulgent six-part blog post about my experience from that first intrepid post through to my …
How To Write a Recipe
Writing a recipe is a complex proposition. You might just think it’s a list of ingredients followed by a few instructions about how you mix those ingredients together, but that’s just the shell of it, the dictionary definition of what a recipe is. To actually understand how to write a recipe, how you present that creation of yours to the world involves a deeper understanding not only of your audience, but also of yourself. What’s …
Should There be a Bloggers Code of Ethics?
Elizabeth at Rosalilium.com, in her YouTube video on the subject posed the question, should there be a bloggers code of ethics? After spending some time thinking about it, I’ve put together my response to what I feel is a very important subject within the world of blogging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q89m3ANGYo Should There be a Bloggers Code of Ethics? My initial reaction is that yes, there should be, because there’s often questions over the behaviour of bloggers, which …
Food Bloggers. Stop what you’re writing. Think.
This week I witnessed a new low in the world of food blogging. I’m not talking about another one of those sugar-fuelled, chocolate filled ‘breakfast’ recipes which seem to be unnervingly common from certain parts of the food blogging world and in no way helping the overconsumption and obesity problems in certain developed countries. In fact, I’m talking about sliding off the other end of the calorific scale, into the doldrums of malnourishment. But first, …
Recipe Modification, Diversification and Bastardisation
Respect the Recipe. There have been many occasions, both on this blog and in my real, physical existence, where I’ve managed to work myself into a contorted fit of rage over inappropriate recipe modification of certain traditional dishes. I have enormous respect for time honoured, traditional recipes, the amazing dishes and techniques which have been handed down through time for each generation to enjoy. Often based in simplicity, or invoking a fundamental technique of a …