Elizabeth at Rosalilium.com, in her YouTube video on the subject posed the question, should there be a bloggers code of ethics? After spending some time thinking about it, I’ve put together my response to what I feel is a very important subject within the world of blogging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q89m3ANGYo Should There be a Bloggers Code of Ethics? My initial reaction is that yes, there should be, because there’s often questions over the behaviour of bloggers, which …
How to write bad blog posts and lose visitors
If there’s one thing that turns me off when I read a blog post, it’s starting with phrases like “YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE!” or “This recipe is AMAZING and will CHANGE your WORLD”. You don’t NEED any recipe in your life, you just need basic food and water and the absolute last thing you need in your life is someone telling you what choices you should make. You should work them out for …