baked sweet potato with humous and za'atar

Simple sweet potatoes with houmous and za’atar

Gavin Wren Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian

If ever there was a meal that had “I can’t be bothered to cook tonight” written all over it, this is the one. It’s been widely employed in this household for a few years as a simple, low ingredient weeknight dinner that requires almost no preparation and extremely small amounts of your precious, valuable time. It came about almost by chance. I’m not going to pretend there was any deep sensory analysis of ingredients or …

Edouard de Pomiane cooking in ten minutes

Book Review – Edouard de Pomiane; Cooking in Ten Minutes

Gavin Wren Cookbook Reviews, Writing

Ahead of the game Edouard de Pomiane was a man ahead of his time. Born in 1875 in Paris, making him almost precisely 100 years the senior to modern chefs like Jamie Oliver, he was a scientist, lecturuer, broadcaster and writer who recognised the underlying simplicity and joy that can be found in cooking and eating. In his day, there was a commonly held belief that life had developed a rushed and frenetic pace, that …