A Big Day.
Today is spectacular milestone in the history of my blog.
It’s the day that I publish my two hundredth blog post. I can feel a huge surge of pride and satisfaction having created such a significant body of work. This is a very special moment for me, I feel a sense of joy, in recognition of the commitment required to reach two hundred blog posts.
I love a few stats, so here’s what 200 posts consists of, since 31st July 2014…
33 months, 1003 days, 193408 words, 1325 images, approximately 1280 hours writing, cooking, photographing and editing
…not to mention untold hours researching, using social media or swearing at Wordpress and my theme.
What have I learned?
A lot, I’ve learned a phenomenal amount whilst creating this blog. I have gained a heightened knowledge, not only about writing, photography, cooking and creating a