I don’t really like roast dinners. I’m sure that’s heresy in some quarters, but it’s the truth. From a young age I eschewed gravy on any roast dinner (yes, I know, I’m a heathen), preferring to retain the integrity, structure and substance of my food, rather than reduce it to a plate of sloppy gruel that could be consumed via a straw. This doesn’t mean I like my food dry, I just favour the legion …
Sun dried tomato and roquefort omelette with rocket
The recipe today is super quick, I’m not hanging around, I’ve got so little to do and so much time to do it in that I can’t just sit around being busy writing blog posts and editing photos. Capiche? Confusing eh? That’s the idea. My brain is in a fuzzle today, I had a strange dream last night where an old colleague of mine who I got on well with told me to “FUCK OFF” …