Here's a spicy, zingy Indian style sprouted bean salad which has been my default lunch option for a few weeks, because it ticks all my boxes for a great lunch. It's simple to make (once you've got the sprouts), it's ridiculously tasty with the combination of seeds, spices, lemon and chilli, plus it's got a big tick next to all the major nutrients we need. All this alongside it being completely vegan, it really couldn't be more versatile and all satisfying.

Indian Sprouted Bean Salad with Avocado

Gavin Wren Recipes, Salads, Vegan, Vegetarian

Here’s a spicy, Indian style sprouted bean salad which has been my default lunch option for the last few weeks, because it ticks all my ‘great lunch’ boxes. It’s simple to make (once you’ve got the sprouts), ridiculously tasty with the combination of seeds, spices, lemon and chilli, plus it’s got a big tick next to all the major nutrients we need. Alongside it being completely vegan, it really couldn’t be more versatile and all satisfying.

Social Sprouts

Sprouts say one thing to me. Brussels. I’m not talking about the cosmopolitan city, lying a mere 121 minutes away from London St Pancras, rather the bitter green orbs of distaste which I was deigned not to like well before one had ever crossed the threshold of my trap. Society seemed constructed for little children who Don’t Like Sprouts. Perhaps it’s their bitter flavour, or perhaps there’s an entire social… come and read more…

Once you've learned how to sprout mung beans you'll be converted to these incredibly nutritious legumes, being crammed with protein, carbohydrate, low fat and high in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They're fantastic to have in salads and there's a lovely pleasure in seeing them grow as you sprout them over a few days!

How To Sprout Mung Beans

Gavin Wren Basic Ingredients, Recipes, Salads, Vegan

Over the last month I’ve become infatuated with creating hearty, delicious salads for my lunches, based on delightful sprouted mung beans. Salads needs to be wholesome and filling, I have little truck for a bowl of leaves and a dressing, I want something substantial. They need are a good base, a nutritionally sturdy underpinning, hence my love of legumes as the base for my salads this summer. Once I knew how to sprout mung beans, I became a convert to them!

Leguminous Lunch.

I began the summer using tins of chickpeas, kidney or black eyed beans, yet quickly became tired of the tinned burden when shopping, not to mention the space they take up on my shelf. I needed something fresh, healthy and less tinned.

I’ve been using Mung beans for years in curries and occasional salads, since being introduced to them via some Indian recipes and an… come and read more…

Make celeriac the most popular side dish on the table this year with my honey glazed celeriac recipe which sees this vegetable dish dripping with honey and rich, dark caramelised colours. Easily cooked in one pan on the stove, this vegetarian dish is just as good served up next to a piece of fish or meat.

Honey Glazed Celeriac

Gavin Wren Recipes, Side dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian

Today I’m having a reflective look at my life before launching into the recipe of the day which is honey glazed celeriac. This is a true barnstormer of a recipe that passed my unfailing recipe test… can I eat the whole lot in one go. Without doubt, yes. It’s also an incredibly easy way to make this ugly root become the most popular dish on the table, just chuck it in the pan and leave …

10 garlic facts every cook should know! Cloves of garlic close up with soft natural lighting

10 Garlic Facts All Cooks Should Know

Gavin Wren Food Education, Food Techniques, Recipes, Writing

Garlic. The ubiquitous garlic bulb as we know it, allium sativum, has found it’s way into almost every country and culture of the globe from coast to coast, across vast continents and is deeply entrenched in the history of our world. That’s because it’s a regular little superstar of a plant, garnering modern scientific recognition for it’s effectiveness against high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, colds, some cancers and historically was a highly prized bedrock …

how to get accepted on foodgawker

How to get your images accepted on Foodgawker

Gavin Wren Food Blogging, Writing

‘Unfortunately, your post titled “The most awesome food photo I’ve ever taken” was not accepted.’ Sound familiar? Those words must echo emptily in the inbox of food bloggers all over the world, sliding into your e-mail surreptitiously amongst all the other highly important mail like discount codes and contact form spam advertising SEO services. I’m particularly lucky that Foodgawker e-mails normally arrive around the time I get up here in the UK, which is a …

How to peel a prickly pear

VIDEO: How to peel a prickly pear

Gavin Wren Food Techniques, Writing, YouTube Food Videos

It’s the pear necessities Prickly pears are a dangerously spiky fruit occasionally seen in the shops during Autumn, with vicious little hairs on their outer skin which stick in your hands. However the fruit inside is delicately sweet and quite different to most other fruits. I have to admit that previously I had no idea how to peel a prickly pear, but after working through a bit batch of these fruits, I’m well versed in …