I don’t really like roast dinners. I’m sure that’s heresy in some quarters, but it’s the truth. From a young age I eschewed gravy on any roast dinner (yes, I know, I’m a heathen), preferring to retain the integrity, structure and substance of my food, rather than reduce it to a plate of sloppy gruel that could be consumed via a straw. This doesn’t mean I like my food dry, I just favour the legion …
Beetroot, apple and horseradish soup
Bee’roo. Bee’root. B’root. Beet. Root. I just can’t seem to say it right. The first person to point this out was my girlfriend, who regularly sends up my pronounciation of the word beetroot. A typical* conversation at home might go like this: Me: “Do you fancy some bee’roo soup for lunch” Gf: “B’ROO?” Me: “OK, let’s try again. Would you like a bowl of homemade beeTrooT soup?” Gf: “B’ROO?” Me: “I’ll take that as yes.” …
Smoked trout salad with fennel & dill and a horseradish, lemon & yoghurt dressing
You really can’t go wrong with this recipe. I mean that in two ways as it’s both easy to make, so no scope for going wrong there, and it also holds it’s ground in the fabulous tasting stakes, so no wrongness to be found there either. Originally, I was determined that this receipe was to be made specifically with hot smoked trout, rather than the cold smoked fish that I’ve used. If you’re unsure of …