It’s no coincidence that my previous post on this blog was how to make peanut butter. When you’ve got half a kilo of freshly made nut butter laying around, you suddenly start using it a lot more, for instance putting a few dollops into a smoothie, just to see what it’s like.
I don’t normally publish recipes like this, they feel massively frivolous when I could be developing some long winded, boring piece about a hearty and nutritious vegetable dish. It was just a simple idea, to chuck a spoonful of peanut butter into a smoothie I was making. I even proclaimed that “I won’t post it on the blog, I just want to see if we like it”.
Then I tasted it.
I’m struggling to find a suitable superlative cliche to apply to this smoothie, however I shall try to convey my feelings about it for you. As I imbibed this heavenly elixir, seemingly winged down by angels from above into my jewelled chalice, it’s cold, silken body entwining itself within me, dancing flavours provoking my tongue and teasing my tastebuds. Suddenly, this drink of drinks no longer faced a sullied life consigned to the culinary notepad of time, it was to live, to be free, I had to share it with the world and shout it from the rooftops. In short, I liked it, a lot.
Of course, if you decide to follow the divine smoothie light and do the only sensible thing one could do having read this far, i.e. make the smoothie, then the other benefit of my previous peanut butter post is that you’ve now got a perfect opportunity to make your own. It’s a fascinating and easy process with a great tasting end product, so why not give it a go.
And with that, o brothers and sisters, I’ll leave you to get your bank holiday bananas in the freezer and your peanut butter ready to go, I sincerely hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as I did.
Banana peanut butter smoothie
By Gavin Wren
Serves 2
Uses a blender
PDF recipe card to download or print
2 bananas (approx 220g, peeled weight) chopped and frozen
300ml milk of your choice, use whatever you want from cow through to hemp.
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
50g peanut butter